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I placed an order, where is my download link?After placing an order it should be sent to you within minutes, please make sure you're checking the email account associated with the order. If you used PayPal for example, it will by default be sent to whatever email you have connected to your PayPal account. A temporary download link (valid for 30 days) is included with your order confirmation. You can access it under My purchases at any time by creating an account here using the same email you placed your order with. 1. Create an account, use the email address you used when placing your order: If you bought the product using a Gmail or Facebookmail, it's fine to use the automatic sign up methods. Otherwise, use "Sign up with email". 2. Head to "My purchases" in the top-right corner: 3. Get your download:
I need a new download linkSign up/log in using the same email you placed your order with to access all your downloads. The download link sent with the confirmation order is only valid for 30 days, but note that you can also access it at any time by creating an account here using the same email you placed your order with to access it under My purchases. Please make sure you're using the email account associated with the order. If you used PayPal for example, it will by default be sent to whatever email you have connected to your PayPal account.
I saw your plugin on sale on another website, is it legit?No, most likely not. I've had reports of illegal websites selling my plugins, some of which are injecting the files with malware to exploit vulnerabilities in attempts at hacking the user's computer. Be very careful if you see something like that, regardless of which plugin you're trying to purchase. The only certified third party vendor at the moment is MuseHub.
Where is the Mac/PC installer?Both Mac and PC installers are included with all plugins. Just make sure you unzip the folder you downloaded first.
How many activations per plugin?You can activate one license on up to 5 different machines.
Are there any coupon codes?I rarely do any promotional campaigns of this sort, with two exceptions: Purpl Week Once a year you can get a nice deal on Purpl Pak, the full package of all my plugins and products. Sign up to the newsletter to get notified when it happens. Existing customers If you've supported my work in the past, you will always get a deal whenever a new plugin is released.
Can I get a refund?Due to the non-returnable nature of my digital products, the policy you agree to on purchase is that refunds are not guaranteed. However, if you're having trouble getting started or serious issues with plugin compatibility, of course we will sort it out. I prefer to help you solve your problems, so please have a look here first and reach out to me if you can't find your answer, I will get back as soon as I possibly can.
How do I set it up in my DAW?In most DAWs, Vocodine needs to be placed on an audio track, and a MIDI track must be routed into Vocodine. There are some exceptions, like Logic Pro where you need to add it as a MIDI controllable effect on an Instrument track and use the audio track as a sidechain input. I've tried to cover the setup of as many DAWs as I can on my YouTube channel, so you can probably find yours in this playlist:
I don't have a MIDI keyboard, can I still use it?Yes, you have two options: Use pre-recorded or "pianorolled" MIDI for melody input Any MIDI will do, realtime or not. Use the AUTO mode This doesn't require any MIDI input, just set up the desired scale with the KEYS button and sing. The pitch detection is not state of the art, and a lot of the style in playing it like a talk box comes from note lengths, bends, glides and vibrato which is easier to achieve while playing. But for cool robot singing, it's still pretty dope.
Do I need live audio to use it?No, it will process anything that's on the audio track. You should however expect that taking a ripped acapella and throwing Vocodine on it will not make it sound like the demos I've made. If you try it out you will get a feel for how to use your voice to get the sound you want.
How do I make it sound as good as the demos?To get the most out of Vocodine, you should know that it's partially technique - especially if you want that talk box sound. It will not magically turn anything into gold, so it all depends on what you feed it. Basic principles to get a good and clear sound: Set your gain up nice and loud (without clipping of course) Sing/speak loud and clear, don't mumble Overpronounce consonants If you have a MIDI keyboard, try to follow the playing style tips in the Pro Usage video to get it to sound like my demos Make sure that you don't have AUTO-mode on when trying to play it with MIDI Most of the demos have the default settings and no additional processing except for a tiny bit of reverb, so you shouldn't need to worry too much about anything else - the rest is up to your taste. Also make sure to use the recommended sample rates and buffer sizes for best quality. I'm working on an improved version with even better quality that handles any setting dynamically.
I need music for my project, can I hire you?Yes, I thoroughly enjoy scoring and I especially like making soundtracks for games and videos. I can deliver most anything within the electronic realm, and if there's a technical challenge to incorporating it into the project I'm willing to tackle it. No exclusive "Type beat" orders for individual artists, I'm just not into it. ("Hey can you make a Nicki Minaj beat for my mixtape" is probably not for me) Reach out with a description of your project, any existing material and a specification of the audio required and I will return a quote.
I have a cool idea for a product, can you make it?I've had many requests to develop things like plugins, and while some are good ideas and it hurts to turn some of them down I just don't have the time unfortunately. I'm not a freelance developer for hire in a general sense. Two personal criteria from my side: - I must be passionate about the idea myself - There must be significant funding in proportion to the commitment How much is that? Well, a decent developer monthly pay times the estimated time to deliver. If however you believe we'd vibe and you're serious about your business, feel free to reach out.
I am an artist/content creator, can you sponsor me?I am always open to reviews or just seeing my babies in action.

The most common questions are all answered above, but if you can't find it there feel free to write me an e-mail.
Remember to include your order number if possible.
Note that it sometimes may take several days for me to reply, but I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.
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